YMC ChromaCon offers
- MCSGP: Continuous chromatography with automated side-cut recycling
- CaptureSMB: Continuous capture chromatography for maximum resin utilisation
- N-Rich: Automated enrichment and purification of impurities
- Contichrom Systems: Contichrom CUBE & Contichrom TWIN

Contichrom CUBE for MCSGP
The Contichrom CUBE is a twin-column lab-scale process development system specialized for MCSGP (Multi-column Counter-current Solvent Gradient Purification)

Contichrom CUBE for CaptureSMB
ChromaCon has developed an optimised twin-column periodic CounterCurrent process (CaptureSMB) using the Contichrom CUBE.

Contichrom CUBE for N-Rich
N-Rich is a twin-column cyclical enrichment process run by the Contichrom CUBE that can automate the process of impurity enrichment and purification.

Lab and GMP scale systems - Contichrom CUBE and TWIN
Twin-column chromatography systems for lab scale (Contichrom CUBE) and GMP scale (Contichrom TWIN).