Preparative LC scale-up calculator

Preparative LC scale-up calculator

The scale-up calculator is to help you with scale up the chromatographic parameters such as flow rate, the amount of packing material, etc. All you need to do is fill in the spaces for the separation mode, particle size, column length, inner diameter of your analytical column as well as the inner diameter of your (semi)preparative column. Once the parameters have been scaled-up, you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable YMC (semi)preparative columns from the introduction page of preparative chromatography.

Prep Scale-Up Calculator

Analytical Column

Analytical Column


Prep Column

Prep Column


Analytical Column

Prep Column


Check your available YMC prep-column now!

* The density used in the calculation for RP packing material is 0.58 g/mL and for NP, SEC and HILIC packing material is 0.5 g/mL.
* Please note all calculations are approximations only. The loadability of the columns will vary depending on the separation conditions and samples involved.