YMC SEC columns: The perfect match for light scattering detection

Method of choice: The combination of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and light scattering detection (LS) determines molecular weight, especially for higher molecular species such as aggregates or oligomers. As an additional plus sample size and topology can also be revealed.

Special attention needs to be turned to the quality of SEC columns in order to provide signals unaffected by spikes. YMC’s SEC columns support LS-detection perfectly due to a high level of inertness, so that information of e.g., aggregation status, can be obtained.

Download the Technical Note to learn more about MALLS and its use with SEC.

In order to receive more information on YMC SEC columns visit our homepage or download our BioLC catalogue.

Analysis of Bevacizumab (Avastin®) by SEC-MALLS

Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a standard technique for analysing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) such as Bevacizumab (Avastin®). This is also a standard separation mode used in quality control to obtain information about aggregation and/or fragmentation of the MAb. Combined with multi laser light scattering detection (MALLS) additional information can be determined, as the signal intensity is also influenced by the molar mass in contrast to usual concentration detectors such as UV or RI.
In this application note YMC’s dedicated SEC column for antibodies, YMC-SEC MAB, has been used to develop a method for Bevacizumab using MALLS detection.

Download the Application Note to access all method details.

In order to receive more information on YMC SEC-MAB columns download our flyer or visit our homepage.

New Tech Note: Advantages of strong cation exchangers vs. weak cation exchangers

Do you develop IEX methods? Do you waver between using a strong (SCX) and a weak exchanger (WCX)?

This technical note illustrates the advantages of SCX columns over WCX columns using a genuine application as an example. The use of SCX columns not only simplifies the optimisation of separations, but also results in more robust methods.

Please download the Tech Note for further details.
Curious about YMC’s non-porous BioPro IEX columns? Then visit our homepage to find out more!.