New IP-RP and AEX (U)HPLC applications for oligonucleotides

Download the new application data collection for oligonucleotide analyses focussing on columns for ion-pairing RP (IP-RP) as well as anion exchange (AEX) columns for oligonucleotides.

  • Ready to use oligonucleotide applications
  • Tips and Tricks to overcome challenges (e. g. use of bioinert columns)
  • Column and eluent recommendations for oligonucleotide analyses

You can find additional information on YMC’s RP columns and AEX columns for oligonucleotides on our homepage.


Fig.: New application data collection for oligonucleotides.

Fast UHPLC analysis of cell penetrating peptides

Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) are an interesting class of compounds since they are capable of transporting themselves across a cell membrane and also carry so-called “cargo” molecules with them. Due to their advantages over other transport mechanisms they are a focus for current research.

As CPPs often contain many basic amino acids, peak tailing can become a very difficult challenge. Due to the interaction with residual silanols the chromatographic results can be severely affected. Ideally, columns with a very well controlled endcapping are being employed. For this purpose, YMC introduced a multi- stage endcapping within their YMC-Triart column line. The innovative phase modification prevents any tailing even for very basic substances! Download your copy of the new application note and see how sharp peak shapes can be obtained for the analysis of three CPPs in under four minutes.

For further information on YMC-Triart columns or peptide analyses please visit our new homepage or download the YMC BioLC catalogue.




New Whitepaper: Reproducible CEX columns for PEGylated proteins

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is a popular compound for modifying peptides, proteins, and other biologics through covalent-bond attachment for therapeutic drug applications. The analytical characterisation of PEGylated proteins can be a complex process, and many different methodologies are used.

In this new Whitepaper, created in cooperation with Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. (US), you will learn about:

  • Challenges with analytical characterisation of PEGylated proteins
  • Three current methodologies for charge-variant analysis using YMC’s BioPro IEX SF column
  • Experimental results from the BioPro IEX SF column used to analyse PEGylated protein charge variants

For further information about YMC’s BioPro IEX columns, check out the IEX section of the YMC BioLC catalogue or visit our homepage.





Fig.: IEX of full-sized and expanded trace PEGylated protein using YMC’s BioPro IEX SF column.