Fast UHPLC analyses of small peptides

Small peptides such as di- and tri-peptides often require challenging chromatographic conditions such as elevated temperature and high pH values for their separation. This demands highly robust stationary phases for their analysis.

YMC-Triart C18 columns offer both: high temperature and broad pH stability. In this application note, three examples of small peptide separations are shown using a YMC-Triart C18 column under different elution conditions. Download your copy and get to know how di- and tri-peptides can be analysed at pH values up to 9 and elevated temperatures. You will see that a YMC-Triart C18 column is the ideal choice!

You can download a copy of the full application note here.

For further information of YMC-Triart columns, please visit our new homepage or download the YMC-Bio LC catalogue.

Fig.: One example of the separation of small peptides using a YMC-Triart C18 column.

High temperature stability of BioPro IEX columns

Temperature is a common tool used in liquid chromatography to adjust e.g. selectivity. Even though most IEX analyses are performed using relatively mild temperatures, there is also a need for high temperatures in IEX. In particular, oligonucleotides often require higher temperatures to achieve high resolutions and also to suppress unwanted intermolecular interactions.

YMC’s BioPro IEX columns are temperature stable within the range of 4–60°C. This provides flexibility in method development. This Technical Note demonstrates different benefits of the temperature stability of BioPro IEX columns using two different examples. Download your copy here.

For further information about YMC’s BioPro IEX columns, check out the IEX section of the YMC BioLC catalogue or visit our homepage.


Fig.: Flushing with NaOH at 60°C using a BioPro IEX QF column: initial chromatogram of 2 DNA oligonucleotides and after 120 h.

Expert tip: Is your sample soluble in your mobile phase?

Solubility of a sample is crucial for achieving an optimal chromatographic result. If sample solvent and mobile phase at the time of injection are different, sample precipitation can occur. Possible effects are:

  • increased backpressure,
  • peak deformation,
  • peak splitting,
  • reduced resolution,
  • retention time shift.

Read here how you can prevent this by investigating sample solubility in both media!