A method to analyse the peptide leuprorelin (e.g. Enantone®), a synthetic analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), is described in the Japanese Pharmacopeia (JP) using a C18 column.
In this application note YMC-Triart Bio C18 is used, which has a lower surface area and a lower hydrophobicity due to its 300 Å pore size. By applying a flow rate of 0.75 mL/min the retention time criterion (41-49 min) of the JP is matched.
Using YMC-Triart Bio C18 the separation could be speeded up by applying a higher flow rate of e.g. 1 mL/min which results in a retention time of about 34 min. YMC-Triart Bio C18 is also able to separate leuprorelin from its degradation products caused by alkaline degradation.
Download the application note with the full method details here.
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