Independent Study: Self-packed glass columns vs. single-use columns
In a recent study, the capacity of self-packed glass columns and pre-packed single-use columns was investigated. For this investigation, labelled gelatine samples were used with the goal to separate gelatine and marker efficiently.
The advantages of the ECOPLUS glass columns compared to single-use columns are:
- Increased throughput and higher loadability
- Doubled the sample volume could be injected!
- High resolution = excellent separations
- Improved chromatographic results
=> Glass columns proved the perfect system for gelatine purification compared to single-use columns!
You want to see the purification results? Download the Technical Note here.
Do you know: how the column hardware influences your cleaning efficiency!
For pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical LC processes a validated and efficient cleaning method is very important.
How can the column hardware support this? In a recent in-house study, the influence of the hardware on cleaning efficiency was investigated.
The most important result from the study was: an excellent flow distribution enables a reliable, fast and efficient CIP process.
Therefore, you should have a closer look to the flow distribution of your column hardware. With YMC glass columns you have the optimum solution: perfect frit and piston design guarantees an optimum flow distribution. This way, you’ll get reliable and efficient cleaning results.
You can download the study and the results here.
Handy Column Packing Poster for your Lab
At a glance: the key steps of glass column packing!
All aspects from preparation through packing to qualification are actively described.
And read: What influence has the packing quality on the chromatographic results?
Download your poster “How to pack a glass column with soft gels” here.
Do you want to have a printed version for your lab? Contact us via email or via phone